Yoshi Legacy: Heroes of the Mushroom Continent

Currently the Series' Offical Site!

Meet Shadow Yoshi.


Heh, if you even read ONE of my chapters from my series, you'd probably know who this guy is. He's the main bad guy, Shadow Yoshi. His exact origin is not yet known, and his creation and motives for taking over Yoshi's Island are a mystery, but there is quite enough known about this dastardly figure that it instills an uneasy feeling amongst those who speak of him.

Shadow Yoshi is the corrupted first son of Yoshius, acknowledged by his main lackey, Clay. He takes over Yoshi's Island at the early age of eight, when Edward was only four years of age. Not only does he completely seize control of the island, he also uses his vast power to pull the entire island to the bottom of the sea, preserved by a bubble-like pocket of air surrounding the island's edges. An effect of his conquest of Yoshi's Island is the enslavement of the entire island's inhabitants, brainwashing of the entire Castle Guard, and immense, unbound dark power.

For some reason, Shadow Yoshi still sees a threat in King Yoshius IV, after learning he had escaped the takeover. Shadow Yoshi constantly stays deep in thought about King Yoshius's possible retaliation, but why? You'll just have to keep reading the series as it comes out.

*By the way, when I made the scenes with Shadow Yoshi in the series, I used a negative effect on the colors to change black with white, and vice versa. It is also apparent in the image of Shadow above, but it's not made to cheaply simulate nighttime. It's actually Shadow Yoshi's power distorting light patterns around him that creates this kind of effect.