Yoshi Legacy: Heroes of the Mushroom Continent

Currently the Series' Offical Site!

Where's Karo? You said you'd use her in your series, right?


True... true. Karo will appear in my series. But I can't explain in detail without giving away some serious spoilers.

I'll just start with this. All of the characters that I've taken from people have a special... quality. Except Blobs's blobs. They'll be simple enemies you encounter in the game. :3

WhiteYoshi (Me), Alex, Karo, Pengy, Ethan, and Jane all have this quality, and it's wanted by a certain bad guy on Yoshi's Island. I think we can all know who that could be.

It is possible that Karo is in some kind of a... jam, I suppose. I'mma stop here, or else too much may be given away. Keep reading! I appreciate it!