Yoshi Legacy: Heroes of the Mushroom Continent

Currently the Series' Offical Site!

Hey, it's been a while!


I know it's definitely been quite a while since I've made a post, but guess what? I'm not dead! I've just been... on a hiatus... playing... video games and stuff. Ha... ha... ha.


Anyways, after I finally got off of the TF2, Minecraft, The Last Promise, etcetera, I came back here and instantly felt bad about how little I've put down here recently. And hey, I know a few of you are waiting for a new chapter in Yoshi Legacy, so why keep you waiting any longer? I'll be posting the next chapter sooner or later. To be honest, it isn't that finished yet, but I'm getting there pretty quickly, so expect it in a day or two. :3


I hope I haven't been completely forgotten yet... I mean, it hasn't been THAT long, right?


Any responses will make me feel less forgotteh, heh. Thanks for reading. :D
